Boots & Shoes   $200- Good Job John G. & Jim H.!
50/50 - $76 - No game today
Guests - Maura Harrison and Annie McCoy NHS
              Anthony Valentino from NHS
             Exchange Student - Warisa Leepromrat (Eye-Eye) from Muang Rayong, Thailand told us about her activities this week.  
So sorry I missed listing Wolf Koch and Lee Kraut as Veterans last week. 
Program Thanks to the club for allowing Hospice of the Rock River Valley to host the meeting at our Festival of Trees event.  We hope you all had an opportunity to check out the trees and the Country Store.
Carolyn gave a presentation on the status of the Hospice Home, indicating construction will begin this week.   She also thanked the group for their generous donation of $200. 
  • Seeking someone to serve as the club's Youth Exchange Officer.
  • New Member Day Program - TBD - ideas for a keynote speaker that day would be welcomed.
  • Try to get your programs to Carolyn well in advance so they can be placed in the newsletter.