Posted by Carolyn Spencer
Boots & Shoes - $119 - Good Job DeShawn & John B.
50/50 -  $148 - no winner today
Guests:  Dr. Lori Cortez, SVCC Director of Government Grants and Community Relations- guest of Dave Hellmich
Exchange Student, Alex had another great week. 
Pat Pettenger introduced Bob Swanson and Dr. Richrd 'Bud" Phillips from the Rock Island club who spoke about their water project.   They brought an actual water filtration system and demonstrated it.   As an alternative to wells, this program has proven to be cost effective and successful. The system they demonstrated cost $300 and last 3 years before the filter needs replacing. Very interesting program Pat!
  • Bridge the Community Run on Sept. 16 - Area Rotary Clubs are helping - If you wish to help, contact Mike.
  • Mike will be passing around a form to report your community service hours so that he may report them to the district.
  • Please get your programs to Carolyn in advance so we can share that information in the newsletter.