Boots & Shoes - $82 50/50 - $50 -
Guests - Leo Patterson from Dixon Rotary and Roger Wait from Sunrise Rotary.
Steve Nunez and Nolan Halla from SVCC Rotaract Club
Student Guests - NHS - Avery Meyer & Clare Sanders. SHS - Grace Gould, Claudia Garcia, Andrea Cervantes, Sarah Kuhns
Yuzuki - Yuzuki was unable to attend due to a test.
Program - Tim Schwingle welcomed Leo Patterson from the Dixon Rotary Club.
Leo shared his experiences attending the International Rotary Convention in Hamburg, Germany. He presented many beautiful and interesting pictures of the area and the event. They met many interesting people and would highly recommend Rotarians attending if they have the opportunity to do so. Thanks Leo.
Announcements and Upcoming Dates:
- Dr. John and Kelly Hahn will be the host family for Yuzuki after Thanksgiving. Thanks John & Kelly.
- Nov. 2 - Allen P. announced Membership meeting at CGH in the Ryberg 9:30 - 11am
- Nov. 2 - Interviews for Youth Exchange 9 - 2 at St. John's Lutheran Church - let Dana know if you can help out.
- Nov. 5 - Veteran's Day Program - let Carolyn know if you are bringing a guest.
- Sat. Nov. 9 - Foundation Dinner in Polo
- Feb. 1 - President & President Elect Training
- March 6 - 8 President Elect Training in Itasca.
- April 4 - Training Assembly/Officer's Training
- Club 505 - Seeking a member to coordinate this event.