Boots & Shoes - $189 50/50 - $131 - Lee Kraut wins big this week - Congratulations
Guests - Janna Groharing guest of Dana McCoy, Leo Patterson from Dixon Rotary and Roger Wait and Allen Przysucha from Sunrise Rotary.
Student Guests - NHS - Ellie Kerner & Connor McBride - SHS - Cori Chavez, Andrea Cervantes, Claudia Garcia, Grace Gould, Sarah Kuhns
Yuzuki - Yuzuki shared her week. It was Homecoming week and she enjoyed dressing up during the week's festivities. Had fun attending the homecoming football game as well as the dance. Tennis season is over and she thoroughly enjoyed that as well.
Program - Loren Schlomer introduced our District Governor, Bobbi Burke where she was welcomed with a standing ovation.
Bobbi spoke about our new theme - "Rotary Connects the World"
Spoke about three challenges for district clubs -
1. Think about meeting times, and venues to encourage membership.
2. Apply for Matching district Grants
3. Think about how our club will get connected.
She congratulated us as our district exceeded the Foundation goal last year. Thanks to our District Governor for visiting our club and sharing the Rotary Message.
Announcements and Upcoming Dates:
- Dr. John and Kelly Hahn will be the host family for Yuzuki after Thanksgiving. Thanks John & Kelly.
- Nov. 2 - Allen P. announced Membership meeting at CGH in the Ryberg 9:30 - 11am
- Nov. 2 - Interviews for Youth Exchange 9 - 2 at St. John's Lutheran Church - let Dana know if you can help out.
- Nov. 5 - Veteran's Day Program - let John G. know if you are bringing a guest.
- Sat. Nov. 9 - Foundation Dinner in Polo
- Feb. 1 - President & Presdient Elect Trainining
- March 6 - 8 President elect Training in Itasca.
- April 4 - Training Assembly/Officer's Training
- Club 505 - Seeking a member to coordinate this event.