Boots & Shoes - $79 50/50 - $50 -
Guests - Leo Patterson from Dixon Rotary and Betty Clementz from RF Rotary
Prospective Member - Janna Groharing, guest of Dana McCoy
Student Guests - NHS - Avery Meyer & Clare Sanders
Yuzuki - Yuzuki went to a concert in Iowa and while she is not a fan of country music she really enjoyed herself. She was happy to see snow as she does not get to see snow in Tokyo. She was saddened to share that Typhoon #19 caused much damage and 88 people died as a result of this deadly storm.
Program - Jerry Binder welcomed Joan Hermes, Executive Director of the CGH Health Foundation. Joan thanked our club for our generosity over the years. She also shared about the many programs the foundation supports including the most recent one, the Pediatric Rehab Center. The club passed the hat and matched $200 for a total of $541.
Announcements and Upcoming Dates:
- Club Members wish John G. well as he recovers from surgery.
- Nov. 5 - Veteran's Day Program -
- RF Rotary Greener Sale - Betty will be back on Nov. 5 to collect orders.
- Sat. Nov. 9 - Foundation Dinner in Polo
- Feb. 1 - President & President Elect Training
- March 6 - 8 President Elect Training in Itasca.
- April 4 - Training Assembly/Officer's Training