Boots & Shoes - $78 50/50 - $112
Guests - Leo Patterson from Dixon Rotary and Roger Wait from Sunrise Rotary.
Student Guests - NHS - Dean Ellorando & Kyle Tunisk SHS - Ava Shaw
Program - Ron Potthoff introduced, Dawn Young, Whiteside County Recorder
Dawn has been the County Recorder since 1981 and was first elected in 1996. She explained much about how things are recorded in her office. They file 30 - 40 documents per day and all documents are micro filmed. Recording fees are $43. All county residents are able to sign up for Property Fraud Alert for free, which alerts them of any activity regarding their property. Her job is very interesting and we thank her for sharing.
- Club 505 - Seeking a member to coordinate this event.
- Oct. 12 - Polio walk beginning at Centennial Park at 9am. Registration at 8:15am. Meet at the Larson Shelter. See Tim Schwingle to order a t-shirt.
- Nov. 5 - Veteran's Day Program - let John G. know if you are bringing a guest.
- Host Family - Host family needed for Yuzuki beginning after Thanksgiving. See Dana if interested.