Boots & Shoes - $64
50/50 - $58
Guests - Jana Jacobs, Craig Bowen, - Emily Taylor, Cynthia Stringer & Karen Voss from Hospice - Mark Humphreys
Program - Cynthia Stringer, Bereavement Counselor from Rock River Hopice and Home spoke about the bereavement service that hospice provides to the families of Hospice patients. Each family is assessed for how they may be dealing with their personal grief. A plan is put in place depending on their individual needs. Sometimes it requires ongoing counseling, or participating in a grief group, or just an occasional touch base. Every family receives mailings during the 13 months following the passing of their loved one. As a medicare certified Hospice, they are required to provided these services for every family for 13 months and there is no reimbursement from Medicare for these services. Karen spoke about the 29th annual Festival of Trees and encouraged all to take a moment and check it out.
The hat (stocking) was passed and with a match from our club a, $392 donation was made to Hospice. Thanks for your generosity.
- Board meeting after next meeting (Nov. 20.)
- Brice's email is:
- Thanks to all for getting programs identified early so they can get in the newsletter.
"Be the Inspiration"