Posted by Carolyn Spencer
Boots & Shoes - $66     50/50 - $93
Guests -Rachel Humphreys, daughter of Rotarian Mark Humphreys visited today.  Rachel is a recent college graduate and will be starting her career in St. Louis with Edward Jones.   
 Fritiof was absent today. 
John G. announced that he and his wife LuAnn attended the District Conference in Galena and our club was awarded a "Certificate of Appreciation" for our Public Image.   Thanks to Barb Majeski and Dana for their efforts to promote the activities of our club.  
Program - Nick Lareau introduced Janna Groharing, Executive Director of Sterling Main Street.
Nick moved to Sterling in 2012. He has heard a lot of stories about the "good old days" of Sterling and he has an interest in ensuring Sterling continues to move forward and joined the Main Street board as an active participant.
Janna Spoke about the goals of Main street - 1 - Bringing unique shops and dining experience to the downtown and 1 - Attract and retain Millennials.
Sterling Main street is currently surveying community members and left surveys for those interested to complete and return. To meet the needs of the community, they need to know what the community wants and needs.
Events - 
May 30 - June 27 and July 25 - Aug. 29 - Pop-Up Market
June 4, June 18, July 2, July 16, July 30 - Movies at Grandon
Aug. 2 - Hot Dog Day 
Sept. 19 - Sip into Fall
Oct. 12 - Hops on the Rock
Dec. 6 - Sights and Sounds
Every Saturday Morning 8am - noon - Farmers Market.
Contact Sterling Main Street - or 815-626-8610 or find them on Facebook
Thanks for sharing all the exciting things happening in Sterling.
  • June 4 - Rotary BBQ at SHS  - No meeting on June 4 as need "ALL HANDS ON DECK" for BBQ.
BBQ To Do List for Club Members!
  • Sign up to help.  If you missed the sign up sheet, it will be there each week or contact Gunner!!!! 
  • Each Rotarian is responsible for purchasing or selling 10 tickets at $7 each.  
  • Thank Gunnar for his efforts. 
  • RF Rotary is seeking a host family for their exchange student from France from June 22 - July 17.   Let Dana know if you can help!
  • Brice's email:  
Be the Inspiration"