Boots & Shoes   $95 - Great Job - Jerry & Scott!
50/50 - $112- No winner today.
 Guests - Leo Patterson from Dixon Rotary and Laura Welty, spouse of Lee Kraut.
              Students- Jimmy from NHS - Amber & Zina from SHS
Eye was her to tell us all about her awesome trip to Galena, IL.  She also moved to her new host family, Corrine and Paul Sandefer after having a wonderful time with her former host family the Schlegels.
Program -   Pastor Jeff Coester  introduced Dan Hawkins attorney from Ward, Murray, Pace & Johnson.   Dan provided a presentation on the Philmont Boy Scout Camp in New Mexico, one of several extreme camps in the United States for boy scout survival training.     It certainly sounded like an intense experience and not for the faint of heart.  Thanks Dan.
  • Try to get your programs to Carolyn well in advance so they can be placed in the newsletter.