Boots & Shoes - $113 50/50 - $74
Guests - Dixon Rotarian, Leo Patterson, Cathy Binder, Weston Henry, Director of SHS Madrigals
Student Guests - Madrigals
Yuzuki told us she has moved to her new host family, John & Kelly Hahn and thanked the Geil family for hosting her. She went Christmas Tree Shopping and was thrilled as it was the first time she has had a Christmas Tree. Participated in the SHS choir program and the Madrigal Dinner and continues to enjoy participating on the bowling team.
Christy Zepezauer introduced Mr. Weston Henry, Music Director at SHS. He in turn introduced the Madrigals.
Our Rotary Club thoroughly enjoyed the beauty of the sounds of Christmas as performed by the SHS Madrigals. Thank you Christy for scheduling this group for us to enjoy.
Announcements and Upcoming Dates:
- Dana announced about the Short term Youth Exchange which is 4 weeks during the summer months.
- Club reached 60% of their Foundation goal totalling, $7,056 to date. Not too late to make a contribution to the Rotary Foundation.
- Club Member Pat Pettenger is retiring from USBank after 43 years of service. Open House is on Dec. 13 from 9am - 3pm.
- Boots and Shoes - Mike Sprague shred about purchasing shoe sizers for each of the sterling schools so that nurses can size the feet and contact the club for boots for winter. Great job Mike!
- Feb. 1 - President & President Elect Training
- March 6 - 8 President Elect Training in Itasca.
- April 4 - Training Assembly/Officer's Training.