Posted by Carolyn Spencer
50/50 -  $139 - No winner today!
Guests -We had approximately 30 guests in attendance today and we appreciate them all attending this program.   Special guest today though was our inbound student Fritiof Fagergren from Sweden.  Host family is Brice's family, the Taylors.
Program - 
Dave Murray introduced Brian Harger, Research Associate in the Center for Governmental Studies at NIU.  Brian presented information on declining populations in rural IL,, and included specific data about Whiteside County.  His study illustrated  how rural population as a whole is declining specifically, the under 20 population which will impact schools, and the working age population is projected to decline, however, the over 55 population is expected to increase.   
  • Programs- Need a program?  contact Dave Hellmich as he has suggestions - let Carolyn know so your programs can be included in the newslettter. 
  • Upcoming Rotary dates:
    • Aug. 28 - Club Assembly - Important to be in attendance. 
    • Oct. 13 - End Polio Walk at centennial Park in RF - registration begins at 8am
    • Oct. 13 - #1 of 3 grant trainings at CGH 9am - noon
    • Nov. 10 - Foundation Dinner at Brandywine 4 - 10pm
  • Please get your programs to Carolyn in advance so we can include in the newsletter.
"Be the Inspiration"