Posted by Carolyn Spencer
Boots & Shoes - No Boots & Shoes Today
50/50 -  $81 - No Winner
Students today:  SHS - Haley Schmidt, Tyler Willman, Brayen Reyes, Lila Lopez, Brooklyn Freas - NHS - Kate Bonnell & Cassidy Wilson
Special Student Guest - Brice Taylor - Our outbound Exchange Student for next year.
Veterans Day Meeting - Veterans in attendance - Dave Allen, Terry Woodard, Cliff Miller, Doug Brandau, Don Olson, Dave Lowe, Renee Krick, Robert Baranski, Wolf Koch, Nick Lareau, Lee Kraut, Don Haig, Alma Austin, Tina Chamberlain, Jeff Lowe, Jim Haskell, Ed Hurley 
Christy Zepezaur introduced Retired Marine Colonel, Jim Prombo. Jim provided an inspiring message honoring our nation's veterans. together we sand the third verse of America the Beautiful which speaks to the heroes of our country.  I think we all felt proud to be honoring our veterans.
  • Nov. 14 Meeting at Northland Mall for Festival of Trees.
  • Please get your programs to Carolyn in advance so we can share that information in the newsletter.